

The basic components of the HNHS organisation, are the staff, the vessels, the independent hydrographic-topographic and oceanographic teams, the printing office, the Athens and Piraeus selling points, the  National Tide Gauge Network  and the warehouses.

The NAVTEX operational room, the cartographic archive compartment and HNHS library are located in the HNHS staff headquarters.

Currently the HNHS comprises of 4 divisions and independent offices, in line with modern developments and technology. The organizational structure creates a compact,  flexible, efficient, effective and less bureaucratic structure, based on the main activities of the HS (collecting field data, creating products, ensuring safe navigation, providing support).

 The head of the HNHS is the Director, and the staff consists of the Deputy Director, the Divisions of Maritime Safety, Technical Assistance,Logistics, Financial Administration and IT Support, Hydro Data Collection and MilOC Support, Charts & Nautical Publications Production and Quality Control, and the independent offices.


World Hydrography Day - 21 June 2015

Our seas and waterways - yet to be fully charted and explored

On 21st June each year the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) celebrates World Hydrography Day. World Hydrography Day is the opportunity to public awareness of the vital role that hydrography plays in everyone's life.

The Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service informs mariners that the following chart has been published and is in sale in both the sale points and the e-shop.

The Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service informs mariners, that both the greek and english versions of the Ploigos Volume A - Edition 5, and the 2015 edition of the List of Lights, have been published and are in sale at the sales points and the e-shop.

Floating Naval Museum Battleship "G.Averof"
Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service
presenting Historical Charts & Heirlooms Exhibition

The exhibition entitled "HYDROGRAPHIC VOYAGES" travels its visitors in the history of Greek nautical chart based on chronological order. The first Greek nautical chart was issued by the Hellenic Navy in 1908.

On Wednesday 17 September 2014 the UK National Hydrographer Rear Admiral Tom Karsten RN visited the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service, where he met the HNHS Director Dimitrios Evangelidis HN.

During the meeting both Hydrographers discussed issues of mutual hydrographic interest, as well as recent developments within International Hydrographic Organization.

RAdm T. Karsten RN was also admitted by the Deputy Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff, Rear Admiral P. Pastouseas HN.

The Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service informs mariners that the following chart has been published and is in sale in both the Sales Points and the  E-shop.


The Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service (HNHS) participates in the International Maritime Exhibition Posidonia, for the third consecutive time. This is a first class forum to promote the Service's important hydrographic work, activities and cartographic projects and highlights HNHS significant role in the safety of navigation, marine research and protection of the marine environment.

Throughout its 100 years of uninterrupted history, HNHS has succeeded in being considered one of the top hydrographic services worldwide, recognised for its high quality products and services,  worthy of the country's top class mercantile marine.

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