Organizational Chart

The basic components of the HNHS organisation, are the staff, the vessels, the independent hydrographic-topographic and oceanographic teams, the printing office, the Athens and Piraeus selling points, the  National Tide Gauge Network  and the warehouses.

The NAVTEX operational room, the cartographic archive compartment and HNHS library are located in the HNHS staff headquarters.

Currently the HNHS comprises of 4 divisions and independent offices, in line with modern developments and technology. The organizational structure creates a compact,  flexible, efficient, effective and less bureaucratic structure, based on the main activities of the HS (collecting field data, creating products, ensuring safe navigation, providing support).

 The head of the HNHS is the Director, and the staff consists of the Deputy Director, the Divisions of Maritime SafetyTechnical Assistance,Logistics, Financial Administration and IT SupportHydro Data Collection and MilOC SupportCharts & Nautical Publications Production and Quality Control, and the independent offices.


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